Every Theological Module within Unite School of Ministry is accompanied by a study guide. The interactive study guide ensures that every student receives the most from every module.

Blood Covenant
The Bible speaks of an old and a new covenant. In this module, we see that covenants have historically been practiced universally. However, the covenant that we today celebrate when we partake of The Lord's Table is unique. Students will perceive that God is a covenant-making and a covenant-keeping God.

Pattern Prayer
The pattern prayer that Jesus taught His disciples gets studied in this module. He did not want this prayer to be recited religiously, but He desired to convey principles that would guide our prayer life. Students are helped to recognize and apply these vital principles.

Bible Doctrine Theology
Throughout this module, we reflect on overwhelming proofs of God’s existence. Students will understand more of God’s awesome nature through a study of His names and His works. When we get to know God better, our worship experience becomes more intimate, meaningful, and rewarding.

Bible Doctrine Kingdom
Early in the Gospel of Matthew, in chapters 3:2 and 4:17, we see the proclamation that the Kingdom of God is at hand. To understand the proclamation, we must understand its definition and implication. To formulate our understanding, we need not look further than the Scriptures. In this module, we will study and understand the Gospels' interpretations as they are revealed to us instead of trying to create our own interpretations.

Competent Communication
Students will be directed to become effective, creative, anointed, and dynamic communicators of God's Word. Students are practically guided in sermon preparation and delivery. The module will also benefit anyone who has to speak in public.

Submission & Authority
Do we have God-given authority as believers? If we do, how can we exercise it effectively? In this module, we propose that authority starts with appreciating and applying the principles of submission. Because pride is the prime sin, we explain how to deal with the perils of pride. Students will grasp the value of obedience to God, His Word, and their conscience.

Bible Doctrines Angelology
We explore what the Bible says about angels and their function. Students will see that angels are powerful celestial messengers ready to fulfill the command of the Lord. However, there are also evil angels. Students learn what our response to angels should be.

Introduction to Bible Interpretation
We examine different types of Bible translations in this module to see which translation would be the most appropriate. Students are guided to overcome linguistic, historical, cultural, and geographical barriers by applying correct principles of Bible interpretation.

The Book of Acts
The book of Acts is the only historical sequel to the four Gospels in the canonical writings. It is the only narrative in the New Testament that continues the accounts given by the four evangelists. It provides modern-day Christians with some basic information and insight into the early Church, tensions, persecutions, frustrations, theological problems, and hopes.

Bible Doctrines Christology
We consider the significance of the Bible’s description of Jesus as perfect God and total man. Students will see that His work of redemption for humankind accomplished through His death on the cross is so complete that it requires neither repetition nor addition.

Bible Doctrine Bibliology
How can we know that the Bible is the Word of God? In this module, we discuss clear evidence that the Bible is God’s inspired Word. Since God reveals Himself through His Word, we show how life-changing it is when you study the Bible. Students will comprehend how revelation, inspiration, and illumination play a part in God’s communication with us.

Fruit of the Spirit
This module will help students distinguish between “spiritual fruit” and “religious nuts.” As a result, students will be emboldened to effectively deal with attitudes and actions related to the “works of the flesh.” The enabling power of God’s Word is a crucial influence in spiritual growth.
This module observes the categories and diversities of God's gifts to people. Students will recognize how the combination of theory, spiritual knowledge and gifts, and practical experience can facilitate becoming effective in ministry.
Ministry Offices

Call of God
What does the call of God involve, and how can we personally respond and commit to God's call? This module helps students discern between the general call and a specific call of God. Through an analysis of the possible process of the call, students will be able to recognize God's personal dealings with them and will be stimulated to respond in faith to God's call.

Redemptive Realities
This module contrasts the world's opinion and God's view of sin. Understanding where sin originated, how it unfolded, and what consequences it holds will lead students to appreciate God's solution for sin. The blood of Jesus deals effectively with sin. We also look at redemption realities.
a Gospel Account of Jesus Christ
This course reconstructs the life of Jesus Christ. This is done by harmonizing the four gospel accounts and aims to place the events of the four gospels in chronological order. This module provides you with a lot of general knowledge about the words and works of Jesus. We use this knowledge to correctly interpret specific teachings and events in the life of Jesus Christ.

Christian Ordinances
There's a clear difference between sacrament and ordinance, and in this module, we maintain that Jesus established the ordinances of water baptism and communion. Students will recognize the meaning and manner of water baptism and the origin of infant sprinkling. We also evaluate the keynotes in celebrating communion.

New Testament Church
It's vital that we understand the mission of the Church and where we fit in. In this module, we challenge wrong concepts people may have of the Church. We need to realize that the Church is the prized possession of Jesus Christ. Students will gain insight into God's purpose, plan, provision, and power for the Church.

Supremacy of Christ
The pre-eminence of Jesus as shown in the Book of Hebrews is emphasized in this module. Students are encouraged to evaluate their privileges in Christ, establish their allegiance to Him, and progress in their life of faith to maturity.

World Religions
This course serves as an introduction to ideas and concepts surrounding some world religions and cults that influence our world. It serves as a foundation for apologetics as well as polemics, yet most profoundly for personal faith and evangelization. We reflect back to the summary, that to all have been given the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18), and thus all are to be messengers of the Good News. Effective understanding of our surrounding world causes for more successful evangelism.

The Prophetic
The module aims to give students an accurate biblical understanding of the intention and function of the prophetic as empowered by the Holy Spirit through us as believers. Prophecy is a message inspired by God, a divine revelation. When speaking about the prophetic, we realize that God has a voice. Prophecy is hearing and doing what God says. For the student, we must understand what New Testament prophecy is and realize the responsibility of prophecy on the Church.

Systematic Theology
This module aims to create awareness around the complexity of the theological scene and its expansive nature and overview. It aims to make the student aware of the necessary steps to develop a biblically based theology and identify the degrees of authority needed to create set theological statements. This module also offers a more formal academic foundation, use of language, and formatting to serve as an introduction to the student for future theological studies.

Practical Preaching
At the end of the two-year course, students are given the opportunity to articulate their thoughts and understanding which will have been deepened through both the theology and leadership components of the Unite180 uSchool of Ministry.