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2025 registration for the Unite School of Ministry is now open! You can register on the Unite180 app or directly via our website.




The Unite School of Ministry is presented over two years and consists of 24 Theological modules.

Every theological module consists of between 9 and 18 lectures. These lectures are between 30 and 45 min long. The classes will be presented live or online and uploaded to the uAccount.



Smart Goals

Pattern Prayer

Bible Doctrine Theology

Fruit of the Spirit

The Book of Acts

Bible Doctrine Theology

Blood Covenant

The Holy Spirit and the Gifts

Ministry Offices

Ministry Offices

Call of God

Redemptive Realities

Systematic Theology

Bible Doctrines Kingdom

Practical Preaching

New Testament Church




The Leadership Development Program also runs for two years and covers 20 Leadership Topics, all reflected in a Leadership Development Journal. 

Pastor David Grobler developed the contact sessions after completing his leadership MBA.



Smart Goals


Systems Thinking

Smart Goals

Dealing with Personal Life Events

Leadership Theories & Styles

The Holy Spirit and the Gifts

Group Leadership & Theories Styles

Thinking Process

Personal Mastery

Business Fundametals


High Performance

New Testament Church

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Pastor David Grobler developed the contact sessions after he completed his MBA in Leadership. Subsequently, three other pastors completed their MBA's and contributed to presenting the sessions.


Every Theological Module within Unite School of Ministry is accompanied by a study guide.
The interactive study guide ensures that every student receives the most from every module.

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All our Leadership sessions and some of our theological modules are presented live and also streamed online for those students that cannot attend these sessions.


Each student receives a Leadership Development Journal that helps them reflect on their leadership journey while doing Unite School of Ministry.



The all-in-one online system where you will have access to every aspect of your Unite School of Ministry course.

Communication about lecture dates, course material, and exam dates will be available. You will also complete exams and submit your Leadership Journals on your uAccount.


Every theological module consists of between 9 to 18 classes. These classes are between 30 and 45 min long. The classes will be presented live or online and uploaded to the uAccount.



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Lead Pastor



  • Bachelor’s Degree in Theology (SATS)

  • Honors Degree in Theology (SATS)

  • Master’s in Business Administration (University of Stellenbosch)


Currently studying:

  • Master’s Degree in Theology (Regent University, USA)




  • Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership Development (University of Stellenbosch)

  • Master’s in Business Administration (University of Stellenbosch)




  • Bachelor’s Degree in Theology (SATS)

  • Honors Degree in Theology (SATS)

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership Development (University of Stellenbosch)

  • Master’s in Business Administration (University of Stellenbosch)




  • Senior Business Certificate (IPED)

  • Bachelor’s in Commerce, Economics (University of Pretoria)

  • Bachelor’s in Theology (SATS)

  • Bachelor’s in Commerce, Honors in Econometrics (University of Pretoria)

  • Master’s in Commerce, Econometrics (University of Pretoria)

  • Master’s in Business Administration

  • PhD in Economics (University of Pretoria)



"One of the best things uSchool has helped me with was breaking down my old understanding and shaping a new one regarding serving, leadership, finances, kingdom, and so much more."




“Your leadership is for other people. If others grow, then your leadership is impactful”.




  • How can I attend?
    We offer an all-in-one online system where you have access to every aspect of your Unite School of Ministry course. Communication about lecture dates, course material, and exam dates will be available. You will also complete exams and submit your Leadership Journals online. Live online sessions All our Leadership sessions and some of our theological modules are presented live and also streamed online for those students that cannot attend these sessions.
  • When do bookings open to attend live?
    We will let you know in advance via Whatsapp and Dashboard when bookings will open, most likely 3 to 4 days before the session
  • Will bookings open to attend live at other locations than UC?
    Not at the moment. All live sessions will take place at UC, and will be broadcasted via Zoom to all other locations.
  • Where do I access my lecture videos?
    All lecture videos will be made available on your Dashboard under the Watch Lectures tab.
  • When will lecture videos be made available?
    Please make sure to check out your Calendar. All lectures videos will be made available on the dates as indicated on the calendar. Leadership videos or videos recorded from LIVE sessions will be made available as soon after the session as possible, but no later than 2 days after. Your Unite School of Ministry Administrator will also let you know via WhatsApp and Dashboard on the uAccount, when lectures are available.
  • What if I don’t watch a video before it expires?
    Your Calendar is updated ahead of time to help you plan properly. Should you be unable to watch your lectures in the allocated time, please communicate it to your Administrator in advance. Should you be unable to watch the lectures due to unforeseen circumstances, and cannot communicate it in advance, please contact your Administrator as soon as possible. You will not be able to access the new lectures if you haven’t completed the preceding lectures, and you will not be able to write an exam without completing all the lectures videos. Failure to watch your lecture videos in the allocated time without a valid excuse will result in a penalty fee to reopen them. The penalty fee is R50 per 3 videos or R50 per Live Session. Arrangements to pay the penalty fee to open lectures should be made with your Administrator.
  • Should I also watch the videos if I attended the session LIVE?
    No, if you attend live, either at UC or on Zoom, your attendance will be reported from there. The videos are available to watch should you choose to do so, but you will not be penalized if you did not watch them after attending the session. If you lost connection on Zoom, please do not submit your attendance more than once. If you missed out on some information due to your connection, you can catch that up on the videos afterward.
  • Can I record the lectures as I watch them?
    No recording whatsoever of any material is allowed. The material is the property of Unite180 and any video recording, including screen recording, for any use including recapping a lesson is not allowed. Please respect this clear request.
  • Where do I get the Leadership Development Journal?
    The Leadership Development Journal will be made available to every student under the Resources Tab on the Dashboard. Please download the document and keep it with you for all leadership sessions, every session should be annotated in the journal. Please do not work on the online file, but make sure you download it to your device and save it after every session. This is a Word document made for you to easily add your notes, key learnings and reflections digitally, as we prefer you to also submit your journal digitally.
  • Can I do the journal in a hard copy?
    Yes, you can. If you prefer a hard copy of the Journal it is up to you to print and bind the book. The Unite School of Ministry will not be making hard copies available to any student.
  • How and when do I submit the Journal?
    There are 2 submissions dates for the journal – Half-Year and End-Year. The exact dates will still be communicated. You will upload your journal via your Dashboard, when the time comes, as a PDF document. If you completed the journal in a hard copy, you can scan your pages and also submit them as a PDF. If you cannot submit your journal digitally, please contact your Unite School Administrator to make arrangements.
  • Where do I get my study guides?
    Your study guides for every module will be made available to every student under the Resources Tab on the Dashboard. Please download the document and keep it with you as you work through the modules.
  • Can I get the study guides as hard copies?
    If you prefer a hard copy of the study guides it is up to you to print and bind the book. The Unite School of Ministry will not be making hard copies available to any student
  • What do I do with the blank spaces in the study guides?
    This is how you will follow along with the lectures. It is your responsibility to complete the blank words as you work through the Theology Modules. All these missing words are mentioned by the lecturer so please follow along as he speaks. You will not need to submit your study guides or prove that you completed the blank words, that is just for your own studying.
  • What do we do with the self-study exercises and recommended reading?
    These are both only for yourself and growing your knowledge and understanding. You will not submit any assignments or self-study exercises throughout this course, except for your Leadership Development journal.
  • How and when do I write exams?
    All exam dates will be updated on your Calendar in advance. On the day of an exam, an Exam tab will appear on your Student Account. Clicking in this tab will give you access to the exam online. Once you open the exam, your countdown timer will begin. All exams will take place online via the uAccount. You will be given 24hrs to access an exam on the date allocated. Once you start an exam you have to finish it within the allocated time on the countdown timer. You cannot leave the page and come back later so please make sure you are ready for your exam when you open it.
  • What if I missed an exam?
    Please communicate in advance should you not be able to write an exam. If you missed an exam, please let your Administrator know. Your Administrator will schedule a 2nd opportunity. Please make sure you write the test in the opportunities given. Failure to complete an exam will result in the failure of that module and prevent your completion of this course.
  • I failed, now what?
    Any mark 50% and up is a pass. Anything lower than 50% is a fail. Should you fail an exam, please contact your Administrator. Your Administrator will schedule a 2nd opportunity to write this exam. Any rewrite of any exam will result in a mark of 50%.
  • I scored less than I hoped, can I rewrite with the 2nd opportunity?
    Unfortunately not. Trying to rewrite any exam will not benefit your marks. Even if you score better, the mark you got the first time will be recorded on your report, unless you failed the first time. The aim of this Unite School is not to see who can score the highest but to grow your understanding of The Word.
  • Will the exams be open book?
    Due to the Unite School of Ministry functioning 100% online, all exams will take place online. Practically this means that you can have whatever resources you want with you while writing the exams, just be careful that it does not take away from the purpose of uSchool. The aim of this uSchool is not to see who can score the highest, or get through the test the quickest, but to grow your understanding of The Word. We want you to learn from this course and make its content your own as much as possible, and if that means diving back into your study guide to find the answer that could change your perspective of Who God is, that is fine by us. We do however expect you to not cheat or plagiarize as this is still a Bible School.
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